Thanks for sharing. I think I've gone through similar modes of stagnation (I was going to say failure modes but that isn't quite right). In my case my perfectionist tendencies led to very bad decision paralysis and setting standards unrealistically high for myself. This contributed to a lot of stress and depression. It also caused health anxiety and led to an issues in dating and friendships since I felt like people I was dating and hanging out with weren't good enough, leading me to disengage.

I would have been better off satisfying in many cases, rather than optimizing. Having a constant optimizing mindset and taking it too far is one failure mode of rationality I see pretty clearly.

I've never written very long documents trying to analyze things in my life. I've done a bit of writing and brief journaling but I think overall probably spending more time writing things out would have helped me rather than trying to juggle everything in my head.

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